31 Products
Grier’s objectives for writing these pieces was to provide twelve concert-worthy pieces in a modern idiom; to have the student develop a basic aural and theoretical awareness of intervals, and for them to develop some basic techniques of analysis.
Ms. Dedinas, a native of Lithuania, has arranged these 50 folk etudes for piano which can be used for many areas of musicianship.
This text gives the student, through many exercises, a solid foundation in scales, arpeggios, chords in every major key-all inversions, harmonization of folk tunes in both solos and ensembles, and creative composition drills.
The Bach Two Part Inventions in this collection were chosen in order to present a mini course in learning Baroque two-voiced contrapuntal style using a series of graded Inventions.
These materials will help the teacher organize a solid curriculum for his/her piano students.